a tourist

Today is rainy. I got to the church at 9:50 this morning and practiced straight until 2. thats a record. After a nice lunch break I got 2 more hours in. A satisfying day, but not very interesting.
Yesterday I didn't practice a WINK. Instead, after a wonderful talk with Gillian I went back to sleep. It was surprisingly DEEP sleep, and I'm willing to avoid feeling guilty by assuming that means I NEEDED it. Has anyone ever had the experience where you are sleeping, and KNOW you are sleeping and try to wake yourself up but CAN'T DO IT? Its weird, and a little bit scary. Its happened to me twice, and the 2nd time was yesterday morning. The first time was last semester when I took a nap on top of one of the organs on the 1st floor of the HFAC.
Anyway, so here are some photos. I visited the Vittorio Emmanuelle Monument, which is that huge white building they call the "wedding cake". It was finished in only 1926 but uses all Classical styles. I am amazed at the scope and depth of the symbolism. There are SOOO many statues that represent all kinds of Nationalistic ideas. I didn't quite get them all, and frankly wasn't THAT interested. It is beautiful, though. It is also conveniently situated in the center of a cluster of amazing Churches, the Colosseum, and the Roman Forum. So I visted them all! well, not all the churches, but a few big ones and 2 small ones.
After getting home I went jogging in the Villa Borghese and was there in time to watch the sun set through the trees in a brilliant orange color about this color. or this. Somewhere in between. Anyway, it was gorgeous. A good day.
You're in Italy, shouldn't you have something better to do than to spend 8 hours a day practicing? You should be sight-seeing, hitting on hot Italian chicks, reading my Star Wars blog, anything, but wasting time in front of a piano.
Nice pictures though.
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