First Day of Bloggin, FINALLY

Hello!!! Since before I got here in February I've been wanting to make a blog of my trip so everyone would know what I am up to. Unfortunate that I procrastinated thus, until half the trip is OVER. Oh, well.
Here are some photos of where I'm living. (I didn't figure out how to rotate them yet, sorry) The one on the left is my bedroom, the center is the tiny kitchen. The apartment building is the clay-colored one in the middle of the right photo. I am on the first floor above street level. Actually, my room is directly behind the glowing green sign.
Today, like most days, I got up a little after 6, called Gillian and talked to her for a while, ate, cleaned my room, blah blah blah, went to the Church to practice around 9:30. I got 5 hours in again today, YIPPEEE. It was good. Mozart is sounding AND feeling great, which makes me happy. The acoustics in that room are delicious, especially for Mozart. Anyway, with breaks I wasn't finished until 5. Then I went to the Academia Santa Cecilia, which is one of the 2 top music schools in Italy (or at least the most well-known). I was hoping to put up a sign advertising my interest in playing chamber music, in case any groups were looking for a pianist. I couldn't find a place to put up a sign, but I found something better- the violin professor! He was EXTREMELY nice, and outright invited me to show up at a lesson on Monday morning at which time he'll introduce me to some of the students. AMAZING! Hooray for nice people, sheesh. Today was so incredibly gorgeous that after that errand was done I wandered the streets, just looking at the beautiful buildings and the flowers and sunset. I had wanted to hurry home to start my blog and to read, but it was irresistable. Mmmm...if I could figure out how to put photos on this thing wherever I WANTED to put them I would add a couple more. But that's all for now. You'll just have to believe that it is wonderfully beautiful here.
Now I'm going home to make spaghetti and read for an hour or 2 before going to bed. My life is pretty interesting, isn't it? Tomorrow I'll try to think of more exciting details, such as how many times I blew my nose or the exact number of spaghetti noodles I ate.
You call Gillian everyday?! No wonder no one remembers you anymore - you're too busy talking to your girlfriend to call your family. You remember us, don't you? We're the people you lived with for 24 years.
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